The World Heritage Committee


Chair: Jade Mitchell


Topic A: Protecting Yemen’s Sites Amidst the Civil War

Topic B: Reforming the Conservation and Management of the World Heritage Convention

Committee Type: Medium Single Delegation

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Committee Profile

Welcome to the World Heritage Committee, an annual meeting of the member states of the World Heritage Convention! Through this committee, delegates are responsible for conserving and preserving sites around the world that are listed as endangered. This considers heritage sites on a global scale, including economic funding, scientific conservation, and political implications associated with protecting these sites. The 2024 session will specifically be tasked with protecting Yemen’s World Heritage List sites; this nation is undergoing a tumultuous civil war, and these historic locations are in danger of receiving massive damage. How will the committee conserve and protect these historic places through the frame of war?

The World Heritage Committee, however, has another issue to consider: itself. The committee has received judgment and skepticism from the media, which views it as outdated, corrupt, and problematic. Delegates will need to deconstruct and reconstruct the committee, drawing insights from their strategies and policies utilized to help Yemen and other nations, in order to tackle current ethical and political concerns. How can the delegates reinvent the committee to address contemporary issues of sustainability and equity?

The member states of the World Heritage Committee have a massive task ahead of them, but through innovation and collaboration they can introduce necessary changes. Each nation involved must represent their own cultures and interests while cooperating with each other to achieve their shared goal— safeguarding World Heritage Sites.

Chair Letter

Dear delegates,

Welcome to BruinMUN 31! My name is Jade Mitchell, and I’m super excited to be your head chair for the World Heritage Convention! As a third year Art History major and Classics minor, I am super excited to see how this committee addresses such salient and important topics! Some basic information about myself: I love thrifting, making charcuterie boards, going to the beach, and hanging out with my friends.

I joined MUN my sophomore year of high school, and BruinMUN was actually my first conference! I remember it almost perfectly, and I had such a good experience competing with my friends and discussing issues I had never considered before. I joined MUN at UCLA my sophomore year, and I have staffed BruinMUN and LAMUN for the past 2 years, both of which reminded me of how much I love this community and experience. I am so excited for all of you to experience BruinMUN, as I first did 6 years ago, and to hear what solutions you formulate. Through healthy debate and positive collaboration, I can’t wait to see how this committee deals with these real world crises!

Please don’t hesitate to email me if you have any questions or concerns, and I look forward to seeing you all soon!


Jade Mitchell | Chair | BruinMUN 31