Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)


Chair: Ashi Gottumukkula


Topic A: Addressing the Legacies of Colonialism in Asia and the Pacific

Topic B: Advancing Women’s Economic Empowerment in Asia and the Pacific

Committee Type: Medium Dual Delegation


Committee Profile

The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific serves as a platform for its 53 Member States to discuss the complex issues that shape the region. ESCAP addresses the vast array of challenges faced by the Asia Pacific, ranging from security dilemmas to economic development and gender disparity.

At BruinMUN 2023, debate in ESCAP will be focused on:

Addressing the Legacies of Colonialism in Asia and the Pacific

Advancing Women’s Economic Empowerment in Asia and the Pacific

TOPIC A will address the ways in which colonialism continues to shape the development of the region today. Colonial legacies have a lasting impact on the systems and institutions in the region. This committee will focus on understanding how colonial legacies affect modern relationships and development while attempting to approach issues from a different perspective.

TOPIC B asks delegates to consider the uneven effects of economic development on women in the Asia Pacific. It encourages a deeper look into how economic policies impact certain groups of people by looking specifically at the intersection between economic and social disparity. Furthering women’s economic growth in Asia and the Pacific requires a closer look into the social norms and dynamics of the region.

Chair Letter

Dear Delegates,

I am so incredibly excited to welcome all of you to BruinMUN 31! My name is Ashi Gottumukkula, and I have the pleasure of serving as your Chair for the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP).

I’m a fourth year Global Studies major here at UCLA, and I hope to go into foreign service of international humanitarian law once I graduate. When I’m not studying or debating global politics, I enjoy drinking matcha, going to the beach, and judging people’s outfits.

My love for foreign policy led me to join Model UN in my sophomore year of high school, and I’ve done it ever since! Whether the topic of debate was the examination of women’s health in conflict zones or the safe disposal of nuclear waste, I found myself enthralled by the complex, engaging issues I was asked to consider. I’m so lucky to have been able to explore these issues both through traveling and staffing for MUN at UCLA for the last three years, and I’m excited to express my passion for what this experience has given me by creating an incredible committee experience for all of you!

UNESCAP is one of the five regional commissions of the United Nations, and it is committed to promoting cooperation and sustainable development in the Asia Pacific. It provides a platform for Member States to discuss the issues that shape the complicated geopolitical relationships of the region. This body debates some of the world’s most contentious topics, specifically those of capacity building and regional agreements. The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific serves as a cornerstone of global diplomacy and delegates in this committee will be challenged to consider the underlying histories of each issue.

I invite each and every one of you to think critically and creatively when offering solutions to these complicated issues. I look forward to hearing what is sure to be a weekend of fascinating debate and solution making.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me through the email below. I look forward to meeting you all this November!

Welcome to UNESCAP!

Ashi Gottumukkula | Chair | BruinMUN 31